ATTA President Shannon Stowell has signed a formal agreement that sees ATTA support 'The Code', with the backing of the advisory board and in front of the gathered associates at the 2012 Summit in Lucerne, Switzerland.
The formal agreement was in support of the ECPAT initiative to prevent and mitigate exploitation of children known as 'The Code'. The initiative has already garnered global support from over 80 companies and institutions, including the UN and the ECPAT advisory partners UNICEF and UNTWO.
ATTA have pledged their commitment to the cause and will work to disseminate information to the members of the association (who number in excess of 800 companies worldwide) to promote the work and function of ECPAT. This is surely an important agreement to have signed for both ATTA and ECPAT.
The ECPAT International vision is the realisation of the right of all children to live free of child prostitution, child pornography and child trafficking for sexual purposes. The group is composed of global members working towards this unified goal through a mission statement of creating such a network to eliminate child prostitution, child pornography and the trafficking of children for sexual purposes. It seeks to encourage the world community to ensure that children everywhere enjoy their fundamental rights free and secure from all forms of commercial sexual exploitation.
Volcanoes Safaris Principal Founder Praveen Moman witnessed the signing of the document in Lucerne and Volcanoes Safaris fully supports The Code and the work of ECPAT International in achieving its vision and objectives.