Volcanoes Safaris

GRASP seeks ideas from bloggers

GRASP (Great Apes Survival Partnership) has launched a blog competition asking the general public ‘How Can Technology Save the Great Apes?’ The winner will be awarded an all-expenses paid trip to Paris to attend the 2nd GRASP Council at the beginning of November 2012. Blog posts eligible for entry are limited to less than 500 words and […]

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Volcanoes supports Imbabazi Orphanage

Volcanoes Safaris is supporting Imbabazi Orphanage as it celebrates what would have been Roz Carr’s 100th birthday on the 28th August 2012. To celebrate, the Imbabazi Foundation is holding a benefit event which will include a raffle for some fantastic prizes, including a two-night stay at Volcanoes Safaris’ Kyambura Gorge Lodge. Tickets for the raffle can be […]

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Graceful Gold for the Pearl of Africa

FARMER’S SON BRINGS HOME THE BACON AS UGANDA CELEBRATES OLYMPIC GOLD! Volcanoes Safaris are delighted to join in the celebrations and congratulations to Uganda’s very own Marathon Man Stephen Kiprotich on his stunning gold medal in the Olympic Marathon in London. Kiprotich, 23, a farmers’ son from the Kapchorwa District close to the Kenyan border, […]

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Mr Potato Head; the Batwa and the Irish

Around Uganda the region of Kisoro is famous for one thing and one thing only: Irish. Sadly this does not mean the hillsides are teeming with fair-skinned Celts and that Colcannon replaces mashed matooke as the local stable starch. Instead Irish is the term used in Uganda to describe potatoes that are not sweet. The […]

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Mission Impossible: Jungle

A couple of youngsters in Rwanda have managed to destroy a trap used by hunters. This is made even more remarkable by the fact that these youngsters are gorillas! Rwema and Dukore had responded to one of their family being killed by a poacher’s snare by searching out similar traps around the forests of Parc […]

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