Kyambura Gorge Chimpanzee Community located in Queen Elizabeth Park in southwestern Uganda is home to a highly endangered isolated chimpanzee community. We are pleased to report that young Pamba gave birth to her first offspring, a boy, around the first week of December. Pamba appears to be a natural at child-rearing and both mother and baby are doing very well.
Asaba was also seen with a new born baby in the first week of December. This is the third offspring and second boy for Asaba.
Murungi, who appeared very pregnant in early December, was seen with a newborn on January 11th 2013. She likely delivered between the 7th and 10th of January. The sex has not yet been identified. This is the fourth offspring for Murungi; she already has 3 boys thriving in the Kyambura Community: Maji, Mweya, and Mulefu. We hope to identify the sex this week.
Congratulations to all the new mothers!!
This brings the Kyambura Gorge Chimpanzee population to a total of 23 individuals.
For more information on visiting the chimp population in Kyambura Gorge and staying at our contemporary Kyambura Gorge Lodge, contact a member of our sales team.