Expanding and exploring into the properties of coffee and its various uses, Volcanoes Safaris Partnership Trust, at its community and resource centre is guiding the Kyambura Women’s Coffee Co Operative as they begin a new project, handmade organic soap. This soap begins with organic oils, such as olive, shea, and sunflower and is then combined with Robusta coffee locally grown and hand processed by the members of the coffee co operative.
Recipes are being designed and perfected that will meet differing beauty needs. A finely ground coffee is sifted and added to the mixture to allow the qualities of coffee’s caffeine to firm and tighten skin while the oils hydrate delicate areas making for a more youthful appearance. A more coarse ground of coffee is measured and added to a recipe designed for rougher areas such as feet allowing for exfoliation and massage. To further add to the quality of the soap, fragrance is being added by the use of essential oils.
Start to finish is completely accomplished on the grounds of the VSPT Community and Resource Centre using bottles of oil, stainless steel pots, ceramic bowls, spoons and an eggbeater for mixing, as well as lots of patience and muscle.
The results are fragrant and refreshing soaps that are then wrapped with fibres from banana tress growing among the coffee trees on the VSPT plantation.
All profits go directly to the Kyambura Women’s Coffee Co Operative enhancing the quality of their lives.
Please contact VSPT directly for any contributions or donations to support the ladies of the Women's Coffee Co Operative, or any of our other projects.