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Sometimes You’re Given a Chicken!

Working with communities can be a taxing and thankless job, other days you get a lovey letter and a chicken!

As part of the VSPT’s “rusty roof” exchange program we renovated five family homes in the area of Kyambura.  Most of these were HIV positive households or those of single grandparents raising Aids orphans. About a month after the first round of houses had been completed, one of the grandmothers whose roof we had replaced knocked on my door with a letter in one had and a rooster in the other.

She arrived with her granddaughter. The woman spoke no English so I could only assume that her granddaughter (and perhaps several others), helped her to compose the below letter:


RE: Renovation

Allow me to extend my thanks to you and the Volcanoes company at large for renovating my house.

As a helpless widow I had been suffering most especially during rainy seasons.

Now that you have recued me, receive that cock with one heart as a sign of happiness and appreciation from me.

I pray to God to reward you abundantly and a safe stay here.

Thank you very much.

I remain yours,


Life just doesn't get any more rewarding than a gesture such as this.

Nicole, Uganda - Volcanoes Safaris Partnerhip Trust

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To protect gorillas from disease, no children under 15 years are allowed to go gorilla tracking. For guests booking a stay at Virunga Lodge, please note that the minimum age limit for children at Virunga Lodge is 12 years.

Safari Activities

Chimpanzee Tracking

Tracking chimpanzees in their natural habitat, as they swing from the branches in the canopy high above the forest floor is nothing short of exhilarating. The chimps effortlessly cross and scamper through the trees above the gorge, and visitors on the other hand must cross the river using natural bridges in order to keep up with the chimps. So although the walk usually lasts only 2–3 hours, descending the steep gorge and crossing the log bridges over the river requires some agility and fitness.

Chimpanzee tracking is also available in nearby Kalinzu, a forest reserve 30 minutes drive from Kyambura Gorge Lodge where there is a community of about 40 habituated chimpanzees.